Newborn Studio Shoot

Everything you need to know

Here are some pointers to help you know what to expect on the day:


My address is 20 Moor Lane, Flitwick, MK45 5BB. There are no parking restrictions in Moor Lane so you’ll be able to park close to the house. Ring the front doorbell and I will show you through to the studio.


Closest station is Flitwick on the Thameslink line. I am a 15 min walk from the station. If you have mobility issues or have small humans with you, ask me about coming to meet you at the station in my car as I can usually accommodate this (and I have car seats!)


Your session will last about 1 hour - 1.5 hours.


Ideally you’ll be able to give your baby a big feed before the shoot starts to help them feel content. At any point in the shoot we can pause to feed (or continue shooting if you’re comfortable as this can be a nice moment to capture).


Don't worry if your baby sleeps through the whole shoot! Peacefully sleeping babies make perfect subjects.